I have practiced and studied many styles of yoga including (but not limited to):
Anusara (Robin Golt), Ashtanga, Bikram, FK, GK, Himilayan, I-Rest, Iyengar, Kripalu, Kundalini, Laughter, Moksha, Nidra, Okido, Partner, Power, Restorative (Judith Lasiter), Sandra Sammartino, Sivananda, Svaroopa, Tibetan Heart, Vinyasa, Yin (Paul Grilley). Raja Yoga: Brahma Kumaris, Buddhist; Kadampa, Shambala, Tibetan, Vipassana, Zen
Curiosity brought Angie to her first yoga class. It was love at first try. The meditative and spiritual qualities of the practice have kept her dedicated.
Yoga completely changed her life. She gave up a successful (stressful) career to share her passion for yoga with others. As a little girl Angie dreamt of being a teacher and now she is living that dream.
It is an incredible feeling to wake up each morning and love your life.
She also has the pleasure of hosting Yoga Holidays in wonderful warm places. Past trips include Cuba, Dominican Republic, Maui, and Santorini in Greece (heaven on earth).
Angie believes in “practicing what you preach” attending several yoga classes/week and weekend workshops in addition to teaching/training.